GATE 2020 Admit Card Released Download Hall Ticket at GOAPS
GATE Admit Card 2020 will be released on 3 January 2020 through offline mode. Kutitude Test in KV (GATE) is a national level examination, which is conducted on rotation basis by various IITs across the country.
The GATE exam in 2020 will be conducted by IIT, Delhi. This exam is conducted to provide admission to students in ME / M.Tech / Direct PhD and many other programs.
To get complete information about GATE 2020 hall ticket, see here including the date of issue of admit card, how to download, required documents etc.
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is a national-level post-graduate entrance exam that is jointly conducted by the seven IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Guwahati, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore for admission to M.Tech programmes offered by government as well as many private institutes
GATE Hall Ticket 2020
The authority will issue gate hall ticket 2020 through online mode through website. Candidates can get their admit card through GOAPS login.
GATE 2020 hall tickets are not sent by email or post method. Candidates can get their admit card on 3 January 2020. Candidates can get the hall ticket by entering their login details.
The admit card contains the details of the candidate and the examination center such as candidate’s name, roll number, category, father’s name, gender, exam day and time, venue of the examination center, etc.
Candidates, those nomination IDs have been displayed on the website as provisional, they will have to take necessary documents and submit them to the authorities at the examination center.
GATE Exam Admit Card 2020 Released
IIT Delhi will release the GATE 2020 admit card on January 3 in online mode. Candidates who have successfully applied for GATE 2020 can download the admit card in GOAPS using their Enrollment ID / Email Address and password. I
For International candidates, ONLY a valid Passport/Government issued ID/College ID/Employee ID shall be accepted as the recognized identification.
The only permitted photo identifications are Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhaar UID, Valid College ID, Employee identification card or Driving License
Exam Name | GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test In Engineering) |
Date of the Exam | 1st, 2nd, 8th & 9th February 2020 |
Conducting Body | IIT Madras |
Category | Admit Card |
Admit Card Release Date | 3rd January 2020 |
Admit Card Download link | Click Here |
Gate Official Website | |
GATE 2020 Admit card Download Here
How to download GATE 2020 admit card ?
GATE admit card can only be downloaded in online mode from the official website of GOAPS. Follow the below steps to be able to download GATE admit card 2020
- Click on the official website link.
- The GOAPS login window page will be opened on the computer screen.
- Enter your enrollment ID / email address and password.
- Enter Security Code.
- Click the “Submit” button.
- The admit card will be displayed on the computer screen.
- Download the admit card and keep it safe for further references.
Details printed on GATE 2020 admit card
GATE admit card will carry the following important details about the candidate:
- Exam date and time
- Exam centre details
- Candidate’s registration number
- Candidate’s name
- GATE paper and subject
GATE 2020 Important Dates
03 Jan, 2020 | Admit Card | Mode: Online |
01 Feb, 2020 | Exam – IN, ME1, MT, PE, PH, CY, ME2, PI | Mode: Online |
02 Feb, 2020 | Exam – AR, BM, BT, CH, MA, MN, ST, XE, XL, AE, AG, EC, GG | Mode: Online |
08 Feb, 2020 | Exam – EE, EY, TF, CS | Mode: Online |
09 Feb, 2020 | Exam – CE1, CE2 | Mode: Online |
16 Mar, 2020 | Result | Mode: Online |
Important FAQs Regarding GATE 2020 Admit Card
Q. My picture and signature in GATE 2020 admit card are not clear. What should I do?
A. Candidates having blur photograph and signature in their admit card or for any other discrepancy should immediately contact their zonal centre. It should be done on an immediate basis as the admit card with unclear information will not be accepted at the exam centres.
Q. Is a black and white print out of the GATE 2020 admit card is allowed for entry in the exam hall?
A. No, every candidate must bring an A4 sized colour printout of the GATE admit card along with a photo id for entry in the exam centre.
Q. What photo ids will be accepted at the exam centre along with the admit card?
A. Passport, PAN card, Voter ID, Aadhaar-UID, College ID, Employee ID, and Driving License will be valid as the photo ids. For International candidates, Passport/Government issued ID/College ID/Employee ID will be accepted.
Q. Other than the photo id, what else will be candidates allowed to carry along with the admit card?
A. Only Admit Card, Identification Card and a pen are permitted to be taken inside the examination hall.
Q. Is it necessary to preserve my GATE 2020 admit card?
A. Yes, it is necessary to keep the GATE admit card 2020 safe as the score of the exam will be valid for 3 years from the date of the result declaration. The admit card will also be required during GATE 2020 counselling and seat allotment process.